

feeling sorry

Have you ever seen a baby seeking for her mom in dark at night? A little girl was panic and standing next to the bed which was far from where she used to be? I did, and that's my lovely daughter. Really feel sorry for her as I wasn't go to bed on time. 

She didn't know why she wake up at night for, and all she wanted was her mother would besides her. Sorry for being a selfish mom but not guilty for that.

Took a secret half day off for exercising and making my nails looks normal and had the sandwich I always want and never have time to wait. Kinda productive and well rested. Still not having enough sleeping time though. Also scare of the coming context as I don't know how to prepare it well.

Got the time management book for a while now and haven't read it properly. It looks like I'm holding the key and too afraid to open the door of a bright life. Keep dropping to the hell wasn't a good experience anyway, just can't get out my comfort zone. Sick of myself. How dare I saying those positive lines without a thought? Just being silly.

Still, feeling sorry. For Bambi, for me.


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